The Challenges of Education in Rural India
Posted by Foradian — Dec 31, 2013
When we talk about education in India, we can’t just talk about how education is in urban cities of India, without going deep into rural education that constitutes almost 90% of the schools being located in rural areas. Recent studies have shown how the face of education in rural parts of the country have developed to a great extent, but some remote areas still do need a serious checkup with children failing to receive basic quality education.
We cannot but agree that, it is education that leads to the road to betterment of a community and the nation at large. And when we think about bring in a reformation in education, we have to point out what all prevents the education system in
India to develop. Let’s start it with rural education.
The most common problems that hinders the growth of education in rural India can be pointed out as
- Lack of proper transportation. Most villages have poor connectivity from one place to another and that is often one of the main reason why, despite efforts by local governing bodies to build schools, often go in vain. Children, most of the time have to walk miles to reach these government funded schools and this often demotivate them to attend school on a regular basis.
- People belonging to remote rural areas have meager incomes, which at times is too less to sustain a family of maybe four or five. Most likely, children from these families won’t be sent to schools, instead would be asked to assist the earning member of the family to add up some extra income. On the other hand, teachers in rural educational centers in villages are paid poorly, often leading to lack of attention by teachers, ultimately forcing the students to suffer.
- Lack of proper infrastructure at these rural schools is also a big concern. Most of the schools don’t have proper classrooms, teaching equipment, playgrounds and even basic facilities like clean toilets. Thus, the poor condition of schools are big reasons to drive away students.
These are some of the few prominent crisis that’s holding back rural education to match up with the education system in urban educational centers. Education imparted in rural centers lack in quality and it’s high time, proper attention is paid to these centers and create a platform where students from rural areas can get proper education, the right encouragement to pursue further studies and jobs. Proper availability of basic facilities like clean toilets, drinking water, adequate classroom facilities, timely motivational programs for teachers etc should be there. The right reformation can definitely bring about a positive change towards the development of rural education in India.